Statapult® Catapult

The Lean Six Sigma Statapult Catapult Products and Accessories

With this learning tool, you may avoid “PowerPoint boredom” and improve your Lean Six Sigma training experience. Introduce this hands-on experience and learn statistical concepts like variation, hypothesis testing, and regression.  Learn to use statistical methods to solve real problems.  And, have fun doing it!


The focus of Lean Six Sigma training is on continuous improvement. Process capability can be determined by measuring performance against the customer-supplied specification, also known as a target value.

Setting a goal value that is too high may lead to dissatisfied customers. The Six Sigma catapult can model your process capability and help mimic variation.  Demonstrating the importance of variance reduction, will help your team look for these inconsistencies and properly make further changes in the process flow.

For those who want to learn the value of this Lean Six Sigma training tool, the launcher, rubber bands, foam smash balls, and Six Sigma/DOE exercise instructions are all included in the catapult’s design. Up to seven factors of experimental design elements with two or more levels can be supported by this framework. Variables can be either categorical or continuous.

Optional ball types are available and can be utilized as a noise factor to practice robust design.  Process flow and cause-and-effect diagrams are useful teaching tools in the  classroom to teach variance reduction to the participants. Hypotheses can be tested with the help of this tool which makes training fun for learning basic statistics, understanding control charts, and applying statistical methods.


What is the Statapult® and how is it used in Lean Six Sigma training?

The Statapult ®is a wooden “catapult” device that is used to launch a small ball.   There are many things that can be adjusted on the Statapult® (pull back angle, cup position, rubber band attachment, front pin location, stop angle, ball type) which all have some effect on the launch distance.  Thus, the Statapult® provides a “process” which can be studied in a Lean Six Sigma training class and used to quickly obtain data for analysis and knowledge gain.

What are some advantages of using the Statapult® in a training class?

The statapult is a perfect way to provide a team experience where students can get out of their seats and work together, make changes to a process and observe what happens.  Students can quickly obtain data and then analyze it using tools learned in class such as histograms, scatter plots, hypothesis tests, etc.  The statapult provides an opportunity to experience first-hand how lack of standard operating procedures can impact results.  Students get the opportunity to observe how everyone on their team can launch a ball using the same settings on the statapult yet get very different results due to measurement error and launch procedure inconsistencies.  They can then use brainstorming and discussion, along with other tools such as PF/CE/CNX/SOP, to identify improvements and immediately test their ideas to validate the results.


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